Press Review: ‘Palestine Palestine’

original Article: le monde, mar 16, 2002

Forbidden To Live

Dominique Dubosc is not a Middle-East specialist, he is a documentary filmmaker, one of those who work in close contact with film and sound and who reflect on the imaginary and the real world and how to represent it.
In the West Bank, from March to May 2001, the filmmaker followed a puppet-master from village to village – and filmed Dheisheh refugee camp’s daily life: a blockaded life but ongoing nevertheless, the sense of humour, the obtacles,the suffering, in a continuous coming and going beween the three parts of the film which was conceived as a Flemish triptych painting, and at the same time, a subtle homage to the film-director Johan Van der Keuken.
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The art of waiting

 A Palestinian national project pretending to be a state and imitating Israeli rituals of statehood, but without a state. But where is liberation, wonders Azmi Bishara

Whether Oslo threw the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) project into crisis or whether a crisis in that project led to Oslo is the substance of one of those chicken-and-egg type discussions on complex social phenomena. It is clear, however, that this project did not emerge from Oslo intact or healthy. There came a period when Arafat’s kaffiya covered up much more than his head, and after his death the Palestinian Authority (PA) had nothing left to conceal the bitter facts. Continue reading “The art of waiting”