Réminiscences d’un voyage en Palestine
Directed by Dominique Dubosc
Review by Sobhi al-Zobaidi
Remembering Palestine, which was screened at Sakakini Center (Ramallah) on 1.4.04, is a film that I dare to say belongs to the realm of the unconscious more than the conscious. It is dark, shady, and horrific and it is filled with those images that one is bound to see in one’s dreams because they are very strong images. It is also because there is almost no narrative in the film, no spoken word to anchor the images in a certain logic or order. The images we see in the film are similar to those images we see on the screen of our dreams, they are related by association, and filled with horrors that can unleash our most hidden fears and repressions. Continue reading “Review: ‘Remembering Palestine’ (Sobhi al-Zobaidi)”